Even when you go to the cashier there may be different lines for diamond and seven stars players but no one pays attention to the signs waited 15 minutes behind people changing money to higher bills and other nonsense and these people were obviously not high end players.
GOOD LUCK at this Sh#t hole don't expect to come here as a diamond or seven stars player and get anything. Most of the decent players have returned to Live as they treat the decent players much better. I like how they let non players just hang around the tables and a dress code doesn't exist had some thug with his pants hanging down and his underwear hanging out just take over a craps table with last second bets putting his hands in the pit when someone was throwing the dice his way and of course he was a don't better and you guessed it 7 out. I'll go back to Live as your tier points aren't erased on January 1st and the food options and poker room are much better. Well I thought that being a Diamond member was something but at the Horseshoe you get S#T.